I never really had many nicknames until I was older, but during my childhood this is what every person I met called me...at least once... "Kraefty Nicole." I've always loved getting my hands dirty...in art supplies that is.
I want to dedicate a large part of this blog to my artwork for several reasons. I think it is a great way to share my work and also to come up with new ideas, but I also hope it will motivate me to create more art. As with many things in my life, I will get super focused on one aspect or another but then I will let it fall to the wayside. I want to find a way to indulge in my many interests and to keep working on them simultaneously. I have never studied art seriously, aside from a few art classes and a photography class when I studied abroad in London, but it has always been something that has come very naturally to me. I think it is also very fitting that the artsy side of me does in fact come from the "Kraeft" side. Both my father and grandfather have dabbled in photography and I think they have a great eye for it. Below are a few of my favorite photographs that I have taken over the years. Hopefully soon I will go through some of my drawings and paintings and maybe some jewelry if you're lucky and post them up here :)
Downtown Tallahassee, Florida |
Tallahassee, Florida |
Carrabelle Beach, Florida |
Tallahassee, Florida |
My Front Yard
Tallahassee, Florida |
Seaside, Florida |
Cliffs of Moher, Ireland |
London, England |
London, England |
View Down the Thames
London, England |
Borough Market
London, England |
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