Friday, November 19, 2010


I've been thinking and thinking about what my first ever blog post should be about, but each idea that I have conjured up has failed to satisfy me. So, as I do when I encounter other areas in my life that are difficult, I am now going to turn to chocolate. Since I was born, chocolate has soothed hurt feelings, brightened rainy days and made good birthday cakes into a absolutely incredible ones. So now, hopefully chocolate will come to my rescue again and make for a semi-interesting first topic.

I am a chocolate snob -I'm totally ok with that- and some of my favorite chocolate is foreign chocolate bars. These are just like the cheap ones you would find in a gas station here, but that's about as far as their similarities go. One of my favorites is the Galaxy Ripple Bar, which I happily stumbled upon in the Publix right down the road from my house, but I have also found them at Fresh Market. I've been to Europe a handful of times and one of the most memorable things about my trips is how good their chocolate is over there. It tastes completely different, there is no way to describe just have to go out and try some. I like the Ripple Bar because it is tiny ribbons of chocolate folded over and over again and then dunked in chocolate one more time for good measure, it's seriously amazing. 

I also love the packaging on these exotic little babies...even the "Nutritional Information" looks a lot nicer than ours does over here.

 If you see them in a store, I highly recommend treating'll definitely become a convert like me :)

Ok, so there's the very first one, hopefully that wasn't too painful!


Stefanie said...

Perfect subject!!! And it's a never-ending one :). Shall I tell you about the BLOCK of Callebaut chocolate I bought yesterday from Simply Entertaining (the old Someone's In The Kitchen)? We melted some and drizzled it on Three Sons blueberry creme cheese pound cake - yum!!! Happy to share with you!

Unknown said...

Great start. Just put Galaxy on my shopping list. Looking forward to drinking in more Cola. :)