Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New love...

So, I used to HATE peanut butter. I hated the smell, the taste, the feel, the consistency....most of all I hated Peanut Butter Breath. Imagine me as a little kid on some charter bus going on some wonderful field trip and all of the sudden...peanut butter crackers are passed around. 60 classmates ALL have the dreaded Peanut Butter Breath... I had nightmares for weeks I tell you!
Well recently, maybe a year ago, something changed (I think it has something to do with a bag of mini Reese's cups being left at my house) I finally acquired a taste for the stuff. I still don't like the grossly over-processed, preservative and who knows what else filled peanut butter... But this...this concoction of dark chocolate AND peanut butter?

Heaven :)

Earth Fare on the parkway is my new favorite love, I wish I still lived on that side of town!
Go there today!


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