Saturday, February 26, 2011

Daisy Do...

I needed to come up with some cheap/free center pieces for our tables in the banquet room at work...and I think I've found my solution :) I have tons of clear glass bottles and vases...those plus a bouquet of fresh flowers, some little tea lights and the occasional wine bottle...and I've done it! I can't wait to actually dress up the room for an event and take some pictures! I love it when the creativity seems to come shooting out of your finger tips. There really isn't much like it in this world that I could compare the feeling's like the stars align to help you with your art. Incredible.


Perfect part of a perfect day...


These pictures are a little darker than I would like, but these lanterns were hanging under the pavilion at Shell Point the other night and they looked too cool :)
I have fallen head over heels in love with my Iphone 4 camera, it takes some awesome pictures and I am way too lazy to carry around my nice camera (so what...and the battery is never's not my fault I swear)

I hope you'e enjoying all of the photography, cause I'm loving it!


Shell Point :)

This is from last weekend when Cookie and I drank all over the county...and then some.

I am so happy it's finally getting warmer! I laid by the pool at momma's while I did some laundry today...great way to start off a vacation...and it's definitely the beach tomorrow! Carrabelle here I come :)


Friday, February 25, 2011

Mini me?

Haha! Guinness to start the night...5 days of vacation, here I come!
Cola :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lovely evening...

I had a TERRIBLE day... The kind that makes you want to crawl back into bed and hide from the world.

But it's better now :)


Monday, February 21, 2011

Adventuring in the county...

I'm a sucker for anything antique...this fishing lure was amazing. The way that it has aged

This was an awesome pair of oooooooold glasses that Cookie has at her them :)

I took this picture while we waited for 45 minutes for breakfast at the Huddle House... We ate Beef O Brady's after that epic breakfast failure!

I hope you've enjoyed the photography! It's really been holding my attention forte past few weeks...and that's totally fine with me :)



One of the very first blogs I began reading was The Pioneer Woman and she's amazing! She taught me how to cook, take great pictures and castrate calves. This last one I haven't actually attempted in person....I hope it stays that way! Haha anyways she put up a "Guide to Blogging" list thing right before I began this blog and one of her guidelines was to never blog about the same thing twice...

Well PW...I'm sorry I'm breaking your rule...but Ouzts' Too is literally too awesome to not share more of it on here.

We tried to put ourselves in an "oyster coma" this weekend. We almost succeeded :)


Friday, February 18, 2011

It's getting ok now...

This is my favorite time of year...almost. The flowers in Tallahassee are somethig to behold and they are about to explode all over the town :) I can't wait!!

Listening to Pretty Lights :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New love...

So, I used to HATE peanut butter. I hated the smell, the taste, the feel, the consistency....most of all I hated Peanut Butter Breath. Imagine me as a little kid on some charter bus going on some wonderful field trip and all of the sudden...peanut butter crackers are passed around. 60 classmates ALL have the dreaded Peanut Butter Breath... I had nightmares for weeks I tell you!
Well recently, maybe a year ago, something changed (I think it has something to do with a bag of mini Reese's cups being left at my house) I finally acquired a taste for the stuff. I still don't like the grossly over-processed, preservative and who knows what else filled peanut butter... But this...this concoction of dark chocolate AND peanut butter?

Heaven :)

Earth Fare on the parkway is my new favorite love, I wish I still lived on that side of town!
Go there today!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Early valentine...

From the bartender :)I'm about to witness some cabaret at the Warehouse!!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Slightly obsessed...

This is my new favorite app for my iPhone. Instagram... It's like twitter with pictures and it has some neat filters you can play with :)

Missing beautiful weather...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2 forks...

This was dinner...
We walked around lake Ella...
He gave me my music wish list...
I'm in heaven :)

Broken bells
Cee lo
Broken bells :) I will link all of these, I promise.
Sweet dreams!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

In other news...

I did this yesterday.

Hey Niko...

Before I went to post this picture this morning I was pretty sure I didn't have an obsession with I'm not so positive haha. This is in one of the Fat Sandwich bathrooms. Fat Sandwich attracts a lot of graffiti artists (using the term "artist" very loosely) but some of the little tags are cute :)


P.s. Maybe I think this one is so cute because the person they are talking to has a similar name to me? I dunno...any secret admirers out there!?! Haha

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oldies but goodies...

This flower came from a rose bush I had at my old house in Indian Head, it had some of the prettiest roses I've ever seen. 

My puppy when he was...well, a puppy :)

Gorgeous sunset at St. Marks years ago...

Perfect my cars grille?


Sweet dreams...I'm flyering tomorrow :)

Happy Un-Birthday!

This is from a lil party I threw awhile ago for one of my dearest friends Chelsea. I've always thought it turned out nicely :)

The table decorations... of my homemade cards and an awesome vase and handkerchief from Good Finds, the amazing thrift store I've mentioned previously :)

The cake...'s one of my favorites.

Especially this picture...

Mmmm...I miss cake, I think I should make another.